List of available assessments
The table below lists all summative and formative assessments available in SOLAR. To filter the table by qualification type or group award, use the ‘Qualification Type’ or ‘Group Award’ drop-down menus. You can adjust the number of assessments displayed per page by using the ‘Show entries’ drop-down menu. To search the table, enter keywords in the ‘Search available assessments’ box, which allows searches in any column heading. For more detailed information on each assessment, select the arrow in the ‘More details’ column.
Explanation of column headings
Qualification Type
The type of qualification:
Certificate – Qualifications for England and Wales
HNC – Higher National Certificate
HND – Higher National Diploma
NC – National Certificate
NPA – National Progression Award
PDA – Professional Development Award
SVQ – Scottish Vocational Qualification
Group Award
The title of the Group Award
Group Award Code
The 4 + 2 Group Award code
SCQF Level
The SCQF level of the Group Award
Unit Title
The title of the Unit
Unit Code
The 4 + 2 Unit code
Assessment Title
The title of the assessment in SOLAR
The title of the subject in SOLAR
Assessment Type
Formative – practice assessment or assessment for learning
Summative – end of course assessment measuring skills, knowledge and understanding
Outcomes Covered
The Unit outcomes that are assessed in the assessment
Delivery Mode
Web delivery – the assessment is delivered through a web browser
SecureClient delivery – the assessment is delivered through the SecureClient app
Open/Closed Book
Open book – candidates are permitted to access any materials during the assessment
Open book with conditions – candidates may access certain materials during the assessment
Closed book – candidates are not permitted to access any materials during the assessment
Exam/Project Based
Exam-based – the assessment takes place on a specific day at a specific time
Project-based – the assessment takes place over time
Assessment Duration
The length of time allocated to the assessment. For an exam-based assessment the length of time is in minutes. For a project-based assessment the length of time is in days.
Marking Type
Automatically marked – all questions in the assessment will be marked automatically and candidates will receive an immediate result at the end of their assessment.
Human marked – all questions in the assessment must be marked by the centre delivering the assessment. The centre must inform the candidate of the result once the assessment has been marked.
Automatically marked/Human marked – some questions in the assessment will be marked automatically and some questions must be marked by the centre delivering the assessment. The centre must inform the candidate of the result once the assessment has been marked.
Pass Mark
The percentage required for candidates to achieve a pass in the assessment.
Additional Information
Any other important information about the assessment.
More details | Qualification Type | Group Award | Group Award Code | SCQF Level | Unit title | Unit Code | Assessment Title |